Its been some time since I was here let alone posted anything. Life has got serious fast.
To cut a long and not entirely happy story short i am now at uni in wales just outside Cardiff and had a great time in my first year.
Now its year two i live in a house with four other guys and by and large its great a few hygiene issues but hey its 5 male students (did people not see the young ones) theres gonna be mess.
Currently i feel like i know most of them not at all and our other friends i also feel oddly distant from. this may be my fault but this combined with my past life at home (majorly playing on my mind atm) and my losing all my friends back home due to being MILES away...
not much point to all this but need to type things out cus my heads all full f crap and my diary's at home :S
on a brighter note i do intend to start a new blog about stuff at uni, hope anyone reading this will join me there soon too.