righ tthis is mostly finished needs a bit of an intro. Yes i realise once again i've not posted for a month but i've been busy with school stuff. Due to the release of the film 300 and most of the books and games i've been playing/reading of late i'm obsessed by the ancient world, mainly Greece and Rome so this is the introduction of a character who ihave a back story for and a story for him to step into. so here goes.
A single figure stood on the deck of the ship, dressed in a deep crimson leather breast plate and padded kilt. The pirates could see little of his face accept a mouth showing a confident smile and a trident beard, the rest of the man’s face was the blank façade of a Grecian style helmet, painted the same colour as his armour. As the two hulls met the pirates leapt to the larger vessel the armoured man stepped forward,’Greetings, I welcome you to the Mikos, how may I serve you’ his voice was smooth and even showing no hint of fear. Several of the brigands looked at each other not sure of the situation, others drew daggers and pushed their way to the front, Skemis the short Kretian spoke first, ‘Ho friend. We are here to liberate some of your cargo.’ The crimson warrior laughed and drew a leaf-bladed sword form a scabbard at his waist, ‘this blade was a gift from Palemides of Rhodes for killing twelve men who attempted to assassinate him,’ he sheathed the blade and drew two gladii from over his shoulders, ‘these came from the roman senate after I defeated five champions of the first legion,’ he sheathed these and drew and elaborate dagger from a sheath by his right greave, ‘and this was given to me at the funeral of prince Themes of Egypt for hunting down the assassins who murdered him while he slept.’ This too he sheathed and took up a heavy Spartan shield and a spear, ‘These two have stories as does my unusual armour but of course I’ve bored you enough, please attempt to take the goods of my friends here; some of you may survive.’
He drew his foot back raised his shield and tilted the spear forward. Four men moved towards the warrior, daggers in hand, two carried spears but none of the pirates were used to much resistance, one sent a wild slash trying to manoeuvre round the shield; his reward for the effort was a shield through his throat. The warrior dropped the spear rolled forward blocking a spear blow with the shield and drew his first sword killing another two pirates as he got to his feet, a third died with the reverse stroke. The pirates began to attack in greater numbers, the warrior moved faster, blocking blows and responding with his own. One thrust into a spine meant has sword became lodged he dropped the blade and allowed his shield to fall from his arm as he drew the two gladii and plunged the short blades into two fresh attackers. There were three men left on the deck and warrior ran forward throwing the gladii at two of the pirates taking both through the throat, as he ran he drew the dagger from its sheath and rolled past the pirate to rise behind him holding the dagger to the pirates throat, ‘You failed friend, now take your boat and leave.’ The stumbled over the deck then, half climbed and half fell onto the brigand’s bireme. He barked orders to the slaves cut the grapple lines to the trader’s ship, and then the oars slid out of their holds into the sea as the slaves began to row. And so Melikos came to again to the Aegean.